Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hound party at my house!

Still no fosters, so we will tell one more tale about Mr. Moon and Bettis. One day, I came home from work to the scene in the picture! While I am not totally sure who to blame, I am pretty sure that this was the doings of Moon. Someone opened the pantry, got out chips, beans, rice, crackers, you name it and threw them all over the house! Yep, upstairs, downstairs, everywhere!!!! I was pretty sure there was quite a party that occured that day. As if to show how much fun it had been, when I walked in the door, instead of grabbing a stuffie to toss around, Mr. Moon picked up a bag of dried kidney beans and was flinging them everywhere! What fun to see the little beans falling on floor and making the pitter patter sounds! When we moved, we ended up finding beans everywhere. Greyhounds don't clean up after their parties very well, but those long skinny noses taught me to lock the lower cabinets that have food. In fact, we just rearranged the kitchen after this one. My greyhounds will make a better housekeeper out of me yet!